Friday, June 26, 2020

AFFiLIATE MARKETING? Do you have what it Takes??

Randall Stewart         part 1


One day after 25 years in the pizza business I was tired. Tired of employees not showing up for work. Tired of employees stealing money, closing early etc etc etc . I could tell you stories about being an owner that would make you rethink if you had any ideas about being in the food industry. 

What I did acquire however is the ability to persevere though all odds to be successful in th pizza industry. So what’s it really take to run a business , start a business , what quality must you have to ? I will give you my opinion on what it takes. The same qualities it took me to be a success at a traditional run business Is the same qualities it will take to be success at Affiliate Marketing. 

I will dive into what my opinion of what it takes, but before I start I will share why I decided this Online Marketing was going to be my next venture  After carefully looking at different business, I decided I will build a business online with affiliate marketing.  Why, lol no employees, a multitude of products and services that I can market to anyone. I don’t know how true it is but someone told me 2 billion people a day where on the Internet.. If someone could verify that just leave it in the comments😁. That excited me!, if I could just market a couple of products I’m sure someone will buy! 

I have talked to enough people and have seen with my own eyes of people who were making money online thru Affiliate Marketing. Now Im not talking about the people who claim to be making millions a month. I had concrete proof of people making 10-20 thousand a month . That’s all I needed if they could do it , then I can do it. THAT STATEMENT has always been a part of my belief system. Making 10-20 thousand a month wasn’t unbelievable to me because I made that in my sales jobs with Fortune 500 companies . So right then I made a decision to be involved in AFFILIATE MARKETING.

I will give you my opinion on the key qualities to be successful at AFFILIATE marketing next post.. Stay tune

check out my website if you need to know more😁

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